Arcus 2G/3G Core
Supports GSM/GPRS and UMTS to provide circuit switch and packet switch services.
Solution Architecture
Arcus 2G/3G Core Network provides reliable, cost-effective, and optimized cellular connectivity to Urban, Rural and Remote communities with 3GPP- compliant interface capabilities. Arcus 2G & 3G components are Virtualized network functions and deployable across any COTS server, with the scalability of up to 1M+ subscribers. The core elements support GSM/GPRS and UMTS to provide circuit switch and packet switch services.
Data SheetArcus 2G/3G Core
Technology Benefits
Multiple Operator Core Network (MOCN)
Inbound/ Outbound Roaming
Voicemail Service (VMS)
Seamless Interoperability
Geo – Redundancy
Compact & Cost Effective
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