Core as a Service

Simple to Run, upgrade and deploy anywhere in the network from core to edge.

Solution Architecture

Our core network functions as a service through automated deployment on PaaS platforms and access to required network functions. Ability to run, upgrade, and deploy anywhere in the network from core to edge and in public, hybrid or private clouds.

Data Sheet

Core as a Service


Technology Benefits

Reliable With High Performance

Control Plane in the Cloud and User plane at the Edge; highly reliable control plane with high-performance user plane.


Pick & choose a 3GPP Compliant NE module to integrate with other Open NE's.

Lower Costs

Low TCO through shared resources on the cloud.

Reduced Time To Market

Our Core network functions are ready to use, and businesses can use them within minimal time.


Easy, scalable network functions to accommodate different needs.


Eliminates the upfront costs and the user to pay for purchase and installation.

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Remote Community

One gateway for all the technologies (2G/3G/4G) and Multi operators.

Network Slicing

Superior user experience by performing services as per the application's needs.